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IMEL students participate in various national and international meetings every year and present their work in numerous ways. Posters submitted by IMEL members have appeared in research town hall meetings and various conferences. Several of these posters were judged and won awards in their respective meetings. Some of the posters presented by our students in the past conferences and meetings are:
Dooheon [Bill] Kim
Multi-scale analysis for refractory fabric composites using FEA
Rick Miller
Detection of Defects in C/C Composites Using Infrared Thermography
Yicheng Peter Pan
Evaluation of Defects in Carbon/Carbon Composites by Thermal Diffusivity Mapping
Gautham Ramesh
Set-Screw Break-off Study in Spinal Neurosurgery
Yicheng Peter Pan
Through-Thickness Thermal Diffusivity Measurements and NDE System for
Carbon/Carbon Disk Brake by Using Step Heating Infrared Thermography
Yicheng Peter Pan
A Fuzzy Expert System for C/C Composite Aircraft Brake Disks by Using ACUT
Anish Poudel
Detection of Defects in C/C Composite Aircraft Brake Disks by Using ACUT
Anish Poudel
Intelligent Measurement & Evaluation Laboratory
Taylor Chance
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Composite Materials
Anish Poudel and Caleb McGee
Nondestructive Evaluation of Aerospace Composites
Samuel Oltman
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Aerospace Composites
Stephanie Venis
Stephanie Venis
Digital Image Correlation Applications in Biomedical and Aerospace Engineering