Awards & Honors
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ASNT Faculty Grant Award
Dr. Tsuchin Philip Chu is the recipient of the prestigious 2017 ASNT Faculty Grant Award from the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT). This grant is awarded to support Dr. Chu's efforts in creating a new course based on his proposal, "Development of a New Course for Engineering Students, ME/CE486: Introduction to Nondestructive Testing".
ASNT Engineering Undergraduate Award
Runyu Zhang received the 2016 ASNT Engineering Undergraduate Award. His competitive application including his essay entitled “Nondestructive Evaluation in the Aerospace and Railroad Industry” earned him this award, which is given to up to three undergraduate students enrolled in an engineering program of an ABET accredited university. The purpose of this award is to encourage more undergraduate students to get involved in the field of NDE.
ASNT Mentoring Award
Dr. Tsuchin Philip Chu is the recipient of the prestigious 2014 ASNT Mentoring Award from the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT). This award recognizes individuals in the Society working to encourage others to reach goals they may have otherwise not sought and to offer the rest of the membership and example of what they could be accomplishing by acting as mentors.
ASNT YOUNG NDT Professional Award
Anish Poudel, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes, is the recipient of the prestigious 2014 ASNT Young Nondestructive Testing Professional Award from the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT). This international award recognizes individuals in the world whose initial career contributions exemplify high standards of excellence in the areas of professional achievement and meritorious service in the field of nondestructive testing. Supervisors, educators, managers, researchers, consultants, developers and others who are ASNT members with five to 10 years of involvement in the industry are eligible. The Young NDT Professional Award Committee selects up to one award each year, provided the candidate has met the established guidelines.
Best Poster Presentation Award
IMEL received the best poster competition award for presenting their poster titled “Nondestructive Evaluation of Aerospace Composites,” during the 10th Annual Research Town Meeting held on April 16, 2013, at the SIU Student Center in Carbondale, Illinois. The poster was presented by Anish Poudel and Caleb Mcgee. The project advisor was Dr. Tsuchin Philip Chu and other co-authors include Shanglei Li and Samuel Oltman.
ASNT Faculty Grant
Dr. Chu received 2012 ASNT Faculty Grant award for the proposal he submitted to ASNT for the Development of NDT Modules for Engineering Students. This award is given to the faculty members from ABET-accredited engineering programs. The main purpose of this award is to provide an annual financial incentive to faculty members in to revise their existing course(s) or to develop new courses to teach nondestructive testing and evaluation.
ASNT Engineering Undergraduate Award
Caleb Mc.Gee received 2012 ASNT Engineering Undergraduate Award to continue his work on NDE during his undergraduate program. This award is given to undergraduate students enrolled in an engineering program of an ABET accredited university. The main purpose of this award is to provide a financial incentive to engineering undergraduate students to choose NDT as their field of specialization.
SIU Doctoral Fellowship
Anish Poudel received 2012 SIU Doctoral Fellowship to continue his Ph.D. research in NDE. This award is usually given to the SIU students who show the greatest promise for scholarly and professional achievement in their respective disciplines at the doctoral level. The Doctoral Fellowship pays a monthly stipend for three semesters, fall, spring, and summer for a total of eleven (11) months and provides a tuition waiver.
Saluki Idea Competition
Anish Poudel and Dr. Chu received honorable mention for participating in 2012 Saluki Idea Competition and presenting their idea on Intelligent Non-Destructive Evaluation System for Aircraft Composite Inspections. The mission of this competition is to boost SIUC student and community involvement with innovative thinking and business development to address local and global challenges.
Outstanding Thesis Award
The nine-member faculty committee of SIUC unanimously selected Anish Poudel's Master's Thesis work on An Intelligent Systems Approach for Detecting Defects in Aircraft Composites by Using Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Testing as the winner of this prestigious Award. This award was sponsored by the SIU Alumni Association and judged by faculty from master's programs that have a thesis option.
Roehrs-Schneeberger Memorial ASNT Scholarship Award
Anish Poudel received 2010 Roehrs-Schneeberger Memorial ASNT Scholarship Award to attend monthly ASNT St. Louis section meeting. The St. Louis section of ASNT sponsors this academic scholarship to students enrolled in a school of engineering or basic science (Aerospace, Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering) studying an NDT related field; intending to stay or return to the St. Louis area, and/or starting a career in an NDT related field in the St. Louis area.
ASNT Fellowship Award
Dr. Chu and Anish Poudel received 2010 ASNT Fellowship Award to conduct their research on Intelligent NDE Expert System for Aircraft C/C Composite Brakes Using IRT and ACUT. This award is usually given to five ABET accredited academic institutions with graduate educational research programs. The main purpose of this award is to fund research activity in nondestructive testing (NDT) at the graduate level, either master's or doctoral.
ASNT Travel Reimbursement
Anish Poudel, Caleb McGee and our past students have received this award several times. ASNT offers this award for up to a maximum of 15 students to attend the annual research symposium and spring conference. The main objective of this award is to provide unique opportunity to students to participate in an NDE/NDI/NDT focused symposium.
Pride @ Boeing Achievement Award
Dr. Chu and his students Rick Miller (Graduate Student), Ryan Stickle (Undergraduate Students), Tom Heller (Undergraduate Students) were awarded with 2007 Pride @ Boeing Achievement Award for their outstanding performance and invaluable contributions to KC-135 modeling project.